Dear Customers and Friends

This week at TBL fishing was good , peoples were good and weather was good . Finally we’ve had some good and warm weather this week with some days above 85 degrees.  That was good for people but it made the fishing a little harder because the fish have started to leave the bays.  Some of our customers still did good with Wendi George and her 28 1/2  inches walleye biggest of the week, and others like Tim Zimmerman and his  27  inches.  Lake Trout wise we had a fantastic week with many new and old customers catching many lake trouts every which way.  Jim Derito had the biggest one with 30 inches Laker and the second best was a 27 1/2 caught by Pete Eldrige followed very close by his better half Wendi George with her 27 inches.  These two together caught 31 lakers in their stay and that is only by fishing for them now and then as they felt like it.  Pete and Wendi are customers at TBL for about 26 27 years now, and are old timers when comes time to fish for lake trout.  All of the lakers  they caught were caught with the best lure overall for lake trout fishing which is a lure called Chrismast Tree.  Many of our regular customers still use that lure for the lakers.  Bass fishing was very good again this week, the top one comes from Pete Eldrige with a 20 inches small mouth bass, way to go Pete.  The second best came from Caudia Delorme with her 18 1/2  bass.  Pike wise the biggest that we had this week was a 36 inches caught by Ron Samuel.

On other news we had a lot of regulars in camp this week which we are happy and honored to call Friends.  Many of you guys make my work a pleasure and I want to thank you for it.  There is a few funny things  that happened in the last two weeks as many of our friends were in camp.  I will have to make special rules from now on, when some of our friends are in camp.  Rule number one : No visiting other cabins after hours for people from the suburb.  Rule number two : No beer can Pitching contest for Canadians and Sabre Fans from now on.  Rule number Three : No trying to steal the super upgraded boat from cabin 3.  I know everybody wants one but we will try to have more for next year.  Rule Number four : No beer can cooking on the BBQ any more.  Please read the the recipes I think it calls for just one can per chicken.  Rules number five : No marking of your trail to come back to your cabin with beer cans.  By the way we’ll be going on vacation for 3 weeks once I sell all of these cans.  Rule number six : everybody stays in good health and comes back for the next 10 years at least.

And by the way a special thanks to John and Jackie for great little get together everything was great .



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