Dear Customers and Friends
This week at TBL we had a lot of regular customers and a few new one. First part of the week some were doing very good and other’s not so good. After a few days almost everybody did pretty good. The biggest walleyes I heard about was a 27 inches, caught by Jeff one of our Customer staying at our outpost. The biggest bass 18 and a half inches was caught by Frank staying here at the main lodge. We also had a guy that caught a 42 inches pike, wow what a monster. Fishing in july this year as not been as good as the last few years in july but it is still much better than most lake at this time. On top of that what people really love about our lake is the fact that no matter where you are or when you are on this lake giant pike, walleyes or bass can hit any time.
This slot on walleyes is really going to do a lot of good for our lake. Again this week many of our customers were saying they can already see a difference. Well this is promising for the next years.
Dont forget that next year will be our 30th year as owner of TBL and we will prepare a lot of surprise for you. Book now to get a chance to celebrate with us the wonderful lodge that TBL as become.