Dear Customers and Friends

This past week was one of great great sadness for the Miller Family.  On september 14 of this month,  Thomas Miller, our Tom passed away.  It is with great regret that I am letting all of you know this very sad news.  In respect to Linda and the Miller family I’ve waited to announced this terrible news.  Even if I know that  some of you already know this , I tought it was time for me to let the others know.  Tom had been sick for a while but nothing could’ve let anyone predict such a fast and sad ending. As many of you know Tom was a legend around here at TBL and more importantly, he was everybody’s friend. Everyone here at TBL we considered Tom and Linda family. I know Tom was a personal friend of a lot of our customers and we will all miss him a whole lot. I have a lot of great memories of him at the lodge , in the shows and in many other situations. I remember very well the first day I met Tom and Linda, that day was a great day for me and everybody at Taggart Bay. Tom helped me a  lot here at the lodge ,  in many different ways he permited me to do a lot of thing that I could not have  done without all of his help. I will miss him greatly and I am very sorry for him and his family.  I know all of you will feel the same way and I know you will let Linda and her family know.  I am not to good at this type of thing , but I wanted to say a little about this big lost for his family, for us and for all of his friends .

Well I don’t know what else to say.  I guess it is time to say goodbye to an old friend.  Goodbye Tom and thank you for who you were .

















