Dear Customers and Friends

Just a little word to wish all of you the best and most enjoyable Holidays and a Happy and safe New Year . Me and all the staff at TBL are very happy to have ad you here at our lodge in 2014 and are very anxious to have again in 2015 . Many of you have been at our lodge more then one’s and for some of you we have stop counting because it is to hard to keep track of . Anyway it as been 27 year of hard work and a lot of fun for us and hofuly for you to . We hope that it will be a lot more years of fun and maybe a little less work ha ha , but alway with a lot of you that we consider like friends a lot more then customers . Have a Merry Chrismast .

From Yves official TBL  Père Noël   Ho Ho Ho !OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         Merry Christmas from me Houf Houf Houf !!!
