Dear Customers and friends.

At TBL this week we had way above normal temperature and a few forest fire. Fishing was slow for some, good for others and very good for some. No matter how they did at fishing this week everybody told us they really enjoyed their time at TBL. Acttualy I had never seen that many new customers rebook on the spot for the following year. Like many of them said good weather, excellent lodging, great equipement, a few fish to eat and a few to bring back what else can you ask for.

Many walleyes were caught this week and many bass also, everybody says the same thing about both species they are getting bigger and bigger all the time. The walleyes average size and numbers are increasing every year. We’re just starting to notice the difference in numbers, you’ve got to realize every big female that’s beeing released now could be laying up to 10 000 eggs next season. Our lake will benefit from these new regulations in a few more years only. HAVE YOU RELEASE A FISH TODAY!!!

Also this week we had a big thunderstorm which started many forest fires. It as been very dry here for many week and we have been under a fire band for the last two weeks. It was nerve wrecking to see a fire coming straight at us and beeing able to do nothing about it. We are very lucky here to have our forest fire fighter to save the day. Aniway, another great week at Taggart Bay, we’ll keep you updated and hope to see you soon.




