Dear Customers and Friends

Just a few Word to let you know that the Lodge is going to open very soon and we are working night and day on the last minute preparations. The weather now as been fantastic and the Lake is open . i will annonce the winner of our little countest ( about the opening of our bay of the Lake  )  as soon as i can get back home to get all of the answer we got from a lot of you . The spring clean up of the cabins is starting tomorow after i finish starting all of the wather systeme . Lot of work is still ahead but we are going to be ready anyway . With everybody working hard like allways up here ( No matther what some guy think HEY KIM ) we will be ready for the opening . We do have a very busy mounth of may and june ahead . We are going to try to have a very spécial week this year at the end of august for all of you guys that have been so faithfull to our lodge for so many years . By the time our season start we will have it all plan , please hask about it on your next stay with us this summer . Fishing should be even better then last year with the weather we are getting now . Lake trout season is already open but i did not have time to go try it yet , one late afternoon i hope i will have time . i was working on a dock the other morning and as i tryed to put a bord down in the water a 25 to 28 inches Pike swam onder that bord in two feets of water and just kept going very slow looking for is next meals . i think that was a sing that fishing is going to be great this year , it look like the fish are ready ,  Are You  ?  Well sorry again about the few update i am writing but i seem to be very busy this year , well even more then usual . Well now i can go back to my beer Hey Kim !!! i wonder what a guy as to do to get a little respect form some of is customers that use to be call friends . You can wait for your bigger porch Kim i was going to do it this year but NOW .


