Dear Customers and Friends,

This week at TBL their was a lot of things going on again . First we had almost a full camp with one party that did not show up after paying all their bill so I  know they had a good reason not to come . We also had a party that did not show up and we don’t know anything about . All together we had 12 out of 14 cabin taken . Me and Syl have worked hard this week , with one cabin jack up and level out and two new roof on cabin 9 and 10 . Beside that we have had some good day and some bad one at fishing this week . Our Remote lakes were doing extremely good this week with some people catching up to 30 bass on one lake and over 40 pikes on other . Mainely we did ok on the big Lake . The biggess walleyes that I have heard of was 27 inches . This week picnic was great as our good friends Ed and Joni were here and they prepared a Thanksgiving Picnic for all the people in camp . The turkey were great and all of the food beside that was as usual very good and in great quantity . This picnic as become one of the thing people love at TBL . This year we did a lot of turkey , some porc , chicken , bear and moose . A tradition not to loose. We also had the visite from some journalist from the most important paper in Québec this week making a article on TBL . We are looking foward at this coming week because we are getting a lot of regular customers in and it is always some much fun when they are here  . Most of the camp is file with regular . Actualy on the 4 weeks that we have left on our fishing season most of the camp is file with regular customers . Let’s hope the season is going to end on a good note with a lot of fish and a lot of fun .


