Dear customers and Friends,
Well are winter waited a long time to get here but now it is here to stay for a while . A few sing are making me say that this time it is winter for sure . First I think the 2 feets of snow on the ground is a good sign and second , that minus 28 C the other morning was also a good sign . But one sign is always telling me it is winter and time to get ready for our comming spring ! The Outdoor Show Run is starting soon . In a week and half I will be leaving for all my show this year and I hope to see you there in great numbers . It is always a pleasure to see the one of you that have time to come to one of our show . Talking with all of you about your last trip or your coming trip to TBL always bring good memories and make us feel like we are at the lodge for a few minutes . The shows I will be going to this year are the following . First Syracuse NY , second Harrisburg PA and then all the other . Monroeville PA , Novi MI , Columbus OH , Hamburg NY , Toronto Ontario . Please note that we are doing a spécial week end show at the Cabalas store in Hamburg PA on february 26 to 28 ( Captain’s Weekend ) Make sure to keep time to come and see us at one of those . Some of you were asking me if this new regulation that started a few years back about closing Lake Kipawa to all fishing IN THE WINTER was going to last . So far as we know it is on forever . This regulation and all the new one in the past 10 year + the few other they are talking about are the reason fishing keep on getting better year after years on Kipawa . It is because of a lot of you and some outfitters taking so good care of our Lake and fish that everything keep getting better . It is a very good thing that they monitor this lake more then any other lake in our region . On other news we have had this past year one of our best moose hunting season in the past 12 to 15 years . Bear hunting was as usual very good also and maybe a little better if posible . With all the new territories we keep on getting every year and the fact that we are between two Provincial Parc at the same time as hunting on the Québec and Ontario border bear hunting will always be great here . Trophies are shot in very good numbers year after year. Fishing was for most of the summer very good specialy better then usually in july and august, with two great weeks in september. As I when back to working with the fishermen a lot more that I use to do, since we lost our great friend Tom ( our fishing expert ) here at TBL I remembered one thing. Fishing here on Lake Kipawa is most of the time very good , sometime good , some time not as good but always a great time . When you can get to a lake that big , that safe , that beautiful with that many different species of fish to fish for what else can you ask for. Well you could ask for good lodging , good equipement , good food , good friends , good service , good time and all of this easy and safe to get at . That is exactly what we give you at TBL and I guees that’s why we have so many of you coming back year after year .