Dear Customers and Friends


Second week was good in a lot ways . Some very nice fish were caught and 12 bears were kill on 13 hunters . Notice that the only bear hunter that did not get any had wounded two before he was stop from hunting , as our rule of two injured and you're done hunting . The biggest bear was kill by M. William Bosley from PA and weight 375 lbs . Many other nice bear were kill and the one kill by  Joseph Hersberger  OH  was in the 350lbs range . Fishing wise the spring had been what it was everything was a little late . But by the end of the week water had warm up and we were catching walleyes in the bays . Many pike were caught in the main lake again this week with the biggest one being a 39 inches caught by M.Rich Dyer  PA . We  had no lake trout customer this week but even while fishing for other thing a few of them were caught . Bass as usual were caught by mistake and release by our walleyes fishermen . As usual every body is amase with the size and battle of  these bass . Kipawa is going to become a lake known not only for it  Walleyes , Pike, Lake Trout fishing but also now for it wordl class Small Mouth Bass .   Be ready as we will annonce the winner of our prize in our next weekly update . Remember that this prize was to be given to one person that sharded our face book page with there freinds . Good luck to every one that did enter our contest .  


