Dear Customers and Friends,

First let me apologize for not having done any weekly update for a while but I was on a little vacation for 10 days.

This week at TBL we were on our last week where we took customers for fishing only this year . Note that once again this week we had a full camp. Fishing was not at is best but some of our regular customers did ok anyway , new customers  had a harder time. We have decided to close for the next two weeks to give us a chance to do some major renovation that we wanted to do on two of our buillding. Right after that we will re-open for fishing and hunting for the rest of our regular season. Bow hunting for moose is starting on the 15 of september but we will star it only on the 22  here at TBL. But starting on the 22 we will have many hunters and fisherman for the last 4 weeks of our 2018 season. It will be one of our busiest season ever  with a record number of bear and moose hunter and even a bigger number of fisherman ever.

Like I said before we are going to do a major renovation on one of our cabin and on one of our main accessary building. Again for our Customers safety, comfort and convenience we will invest a great amount of money. We are one of the rare outfitter to put back a lot of money in our lodge every year and we know that you do appreciate that a lot. TBL is always  the lodge that as from far the most customers per year and the quality of our lodging is one of the reason .

Moose hunting is what we will work on the most from now until the end of our 2018 season . We will have some fishermen also but the one week of bow hunting and the two weeks of gun hunting we will have will keep us very busy until the end of october. This year is the first year that none resident of Québec have to go true a outfitter a zec or a reserve to hunt moose in our province just like it as been for bear hunting for many years. This new rules that Québec resident were asking for for many years is finaly on , just like in every other province and state. This will have a small impact on our lodge as we were always full at that time of the year anyway. Maybe the only difference will be in the speed that we do fill up for following years. Like next moose hunting season in 2019 it will be the year where we can arvest either calf, cow or bull so I imagine that we will file-up even  faster then usual. So if you are planning a moose hunt with us next year please do not wait to long to reserve your spot.

Since we will not have any customers here for a few weeks I will do my next weekly update only when I get enough  to tell you about . I would think that a max of three weekly update will be done from here until the end of the 2018 season.




