Dear Customers and Friends
This week at TBL we had a lot of good walleye fishing . Many of our group did fantastic and caught tons of walleyes , while our other groups did good and caught 1/2 ton of walleys . Here at TBL we srtongly push catch and release and over the last 20 years we have noticed that many of our customers do mainly catch and release on all the fish but the few they eat when they are at the lodge. Many of our groups dont even bring any home and some dont keep any fish at all . We are very proud of that and we know we are helping the lake a lot by doing so . Now our biggest walleye of the week was a 26 inch walleye caught by Mike Eschborn N Y. I know I know I said tons of wallyeys but not walleyes of one ton . Katty Eschborn, Mikes wife, did not want to let him get too proud of himself and went and caught herself a 36 inch pike . The Eschborns have been with us at TBL for 5 years already . Thats the way to celabrate your fifth year with us . Many many lake trout were caught this week but the biggest one was caught by Brian Morrow with a 28 inch laker and the same day Brian decided to catch one of the biggest pike of the week withhis 36 inch lunker . Some of our parties did extremely good on our remote pike lakes again this week . These lakes, being catch and release only, it does make it very good for our customers week after week . Well in case that you are wondering, I did finish the footings under cabin 7, only two cabins to go . We are starting our slowest week of the summer with only 8 cabins taken for the week. After that we have a full week to end our season as we have decided to close on that week for the last 5 years . We are verry happy with our bookings for next year as we are way ahead on our usual bookings for this time of the year . Our Spécial Weeks ( Pike Contest Week , BassCcontest Week , Family weeks , ) are almost full already so dont wait to reserve to take advantage of these weeks . Remember that the Catch and Release Pike Contest Week will be the first spécial week of the 2014 season and that we are giving a 10% off on that week in order to start our first Catch and Release Pike Contest ever . Please call or email for more info .