Dear Customers and Friends,
This past week at TBL we had great fishing for a lot of our customers and not all on the same day or same time of the day. We did not have many or any customers fishing for lake trout and pike. Any way all of our customers that fish early morning and later afternoon and evening did much better than the one that were trying in the middle of the day with the sunshine at is best. Yes we did have a very hot last week, which made the fishing a little harder for some but as soon as they listen to what we were telling them they did good but some people know to much about everything to be help. Major fish were reported this past week 3 walleyes over 29 inches. The other one’s were one northern pike at 42 inches caught while fishing for walleye and two small mouth bass one of 21 inches and the other at 22 inches. The best part about this is that all these fish were release. These fish only made our fishermem crazy about our lake. Many people come to our lodge for the first time and we always have the same comment: First our cabins are fantastic compare to most of the lodge they have ever been to, second the equipment is top of the line and finally our lake can not be compare with any other. That is why TBL as been one of the top Lodge for all these years and with all of the new regulations on our lake, the fishing is even getting better and better all the time. Soon we will be booking people 2 or 3 years in advance.
Like I said before we do have great cabin and equipment at TBL and we never stop putting more time and money on them for your comfort, safety, enjoyement and peace and quiet time at our lodge. Our cabin are known to be very clean and spacious. Well when we have certain customer like in this past week that bring in their dog and act like they do, we at TBL have a lot of problems keeping our end of the deal with all of our other customers at the lodge. We do and will keep on accepting pets at our lodge but there will be a few changes for the future years. First there will be a small surcharge to bring a pet with you at the lodge. Second there will be a security deposit when you come into the lodge for customers with a pet. We will have a visit of your cabin before you leave the lodge to see if your security deposit is given back to you or not. And finally, when we will have pets in camp and that they don’t do what we ask the owner of these pet to do or not to do, you will asked to leave the lodge on the spot with out any refund of any sort.
If you think this is a little much you should try to have a couple dog bark all the time all week and have owner do nothing about it after telling you that their dog did not bark hardly at all. You should try to clean a bunch of blankets and pillows that dog slept on all week, or try to sweep floor that were not sweep all week or try to get dog hair off a coach. You should try to clean dog urine inside one of your bedroom ont the floor and on the bed. No here at TBL we love pets but not pet that do this with owners that can’t clean up or act like they shoud when they are in somebody else property. Sorry but after many time having problem with people that own pets and they should not, we have to protect our equipment and our peace and quietness for our other customers that do have pets and take care of them and our other customers that don’t have any. That is why the new rules about bringing pet at TBL will be enforce in the 2020 season.
Believe me when I say to all our pet owners, we will still be happy to count you as our customers and you still be treated just like any other customers but you will for sure understand that we have to protect everybody from these pets owner that should not be pets owner.