Dear customers and friends .
This week the weather was so and so . Many of our new fisherman had a hard time getting use to this changing weather . A lot of our regular did very good because of there experience on the lake . Lake trout fishing was great with many species over 24 inches caught . One party did very good on walleyes in a secret bay of the lake !!! We had many customers that did fantastic on our remote lake for pike , many of them have report catching and releasing over 25 pike each every day . Two pike one of 40 inches and one of 42 inches were caught on the main lake by two of our new customers . Bear hunting wise we did ok with 11 bears kill out of 15 hunters . The usual thing happened with 7 missed bear . The walleyes are starting to come in the bays in great numbers so the next month should be great . With 43 people in camp this week we ad a very good picnic and many of our new customers said they love this they will be back at the lodge for all that we offer . My other lodge Holden Lake did a little better then us on fishing and hunting this week as they are 3 hours south of us , but we will get them back . One thing is sure they will never have the great look that I have .