Dear customers and friends

This first week of moose season as been not so good , with 2 bulls mist and 2 cows seen we did not do good . Weather as not been the best and for some reason nothing is mooving . We have never seen anything like that even are customers that have been here for 24 years ad never seen anything like that before . We think that the moose all flooe down south for the winter . Well second week of moose season came and as gone , and same old same old . We have seen 9 cows 7 calfts but no bull or should i say no bull in the day light , because four of them were seen as the guys travel  in the dark before or after the hunt . This was from far our worst moose hunting season ever , As usual groose were all over as we hunted for moose . We did a little hunting for that since the customers left and we did very good , at least that is one good thing about the end of this season . We have already started to work on the porch of some of the cabin , and we also have a few plan for the inside of some of them . Like i told you next season we will have our 25 season at the lodge , we will have some spécial thing over the season and i will keep you informe over the winter on that . Make sure that you reserve your stay early , if it’s not done already because 2013 is looking like it going to be a very good season . Many of our weeks are already full and we are not even at our busy time of the years for the new booking . Well we ad another good season at the lodge this year because of you our customers so i want to thank all of you again for this year and the past and i hope for many more years to come .


